Minggu, 02 Oktober 2022

Which Description Best Characterizes The Motion Of Particles In A Solid?

Which Description Best Characterizes The Motion Of Particles In A Solid?

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Which description best characterizes the motion of particles in a solid? Vibrating around fixed positions. The repeating subunits that are responsible for the shape of a crystal are known as. Particles in the plasma move randomly, but particles in a solid vibrate in one place.

15 which description best characterizes the motion of particles in a solid? Video answer:discussion, we will learn about some basic concept of motion in a straight line. The question is a particle moves with uniform velocity. So which of the following statement is to with regarding to the motion of the vehicle, so emotion of the particle like so we will talk about the older statements. The statement says that the speed of the particle is zero. An amorphous solid because the particles do not have a regular structure. Which description best characterizes the motion of particles in a solid? Vibrating around fixed positions. Particles in the plasma move randomly, but particles in a solid vibrate in one place.

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