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If they run around like crazy, that is a good sign, this means that your guinea pig is probably healthy and happy. As a twelve year old, i used to have a male baby guinea pig called ambrose, and he was very active, strong and healthy. Circling is usually a form of dominance behavior showed in between two guinea pigs. Some guinea pigs also run around in circle and dance, indicating your guinea pigs want to mate.
In this article we will learn more about your guinea pigs behavior of. As a general rule, your guinea pig runs around its cage due to stress, excitement, illness, or a fight for dominance. In most cases, your pet is running to release happy energy. Watch out for warning signs such as aggression, weight loss, personality change, and more which may signal a more serious issue. To truly understand why your pet cavy. Indifference to normal activities (like food or playtime) less active. Being stuck in a cage without enough interesting toys or space to run around is one of the main reasons guinea pigs get bored. They can also get bored from lack of social interaction with other piggies or their owners. Your guinea pig may twist and jump with just its back legs, just its front legs, whilst moving around, whilst standing still, or it may take all four legs off the ground and bend in a ‘bucking bronco’ style.
What our pets are trying to tell us | Life and style | The Guardian

119 best Indoor Guinea Pig Cages UK images on Pinterest | Guinea pigs

20 best Guinea Pig Outside Spaces images on Pinterest | Guinea pig

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(Photos By Ben Olson)
