Jumat, 19 Agustus 2022

When Is It Too Late To Cut Hay

When Is It Too Late To Cut Hay

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Hay was cut at late boot/early heading, early heading, and early milk/seed formation roughly 11 days apart from each stage. Obliviously tennessee is a slightly different climate than sc so pay attention to the maturity stage rather than the dates. As expected in table 1. , forage maturity decreased intake, digestibility, and protein. The real problem with late cut hay is the fiber numbers.

Combine that with a lack of protein and the bug in the cows gut just can't break down the fiber. In many environments, in fact, morning cutting can ensure that hay has more hours of sunlight, and therefore dries more quickly—making it the preferred time of day. Occasionally, afternoon cutting may pay off for eastern farmers, rankin notes. In late summer weather, it may be possible for the grass to dry quickly. It is not too late by any means. We have made fantastic hay in august in the past, simply because 'we don't over fertilise our fields so it grows slowly and doesnt tend to go over in the wind. The fields were sheltered so rain and wind does not get to it too badly. Still loads of time to get the hay. I have got 140 bales of late may cut hay in the barn, but have not had mine done yet as it was too short.

First-cut hay late, but plentiful in unflooded areas - Manitoba Co-operator

First-cut hay late, but plentiful in unflooded areas - Manitoba Co-operator
Image by www.manitobacooperator.ca

"Cutting Hay,..." by MaeBelle | Redbubble

"Cutting Hay,..." by MaeBelle | Redbubble
Image by www.redbubble.com

Vermeer Hay and Forage Equipment at Butler Ag Equipment

Vermeer Hay and Forage Equipment at Butler Ag Equipment
Image by butlerag.com

Plantlife Meadows | Green Hay: how to cut, collect and spread

Plantlife Meadows | Green Hay: how to cut, collect and spread
Image by meadows.plantlife.org.uk

Wagner Feed: Mowing hay

Wagner Feed: Mowing hay
Image by wagnerfeed.blogspot.com

Making Loose Hay - Page 6 - Coffee Shop - Red Power Magazine Community

Making Loose Hay - Page 6 - Coffee Shop - Red Power Magazine Community
Image by www.redpowermagazine.com

Cutting And Baling This Year's First Cut Hay - YouTube

Cutting And Baling This Year's First Cut Hay - YouTube
Image by www.youtube.com

Vermeer Hay and Forage Equipment at Butler Ag Equipment

Vermeer Hay and Forage Equipment at Butler Ag Equipment
Image by butlerag.com

Massey Ferguson Hay and Forage Equipment at Butler Machinery

Massey Ferguson Hay and Forage Equipment at Butler Machinery
Image by www.butlermachinery.com

Massey Ferguson Hay and Forage Equipment at Butler Ag Equipment

Massey Ferguson Hay and Forage Equipment at Butler Ag Equipment
Image by butlerag.com

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